K-Net team completes the network management centre move to new building

The new K-Net Network Management Centre is now set up with the connections, staff and equipment completing the move over this past week. Dan and Adi are now working in this centre managing the network and the new server room.

Most of the main servers (knet.ca, kihs, myknet.org, mail, etc) were moved over last evening. The system was shut down for nearly three hours to complete the transfer of the equipment from the main KO office building furnance room over to the new facility.

K-Net quickly outgrew its former server space over the past year with increased demand from the northern First Nations for on-line services. A project with FedNor called the On-line Training Project, made it possible to expand the existing K-Net equipment building to create this new facility located at 115 King Street (click here to see the pictures of the building construction).