Grade 8 Science Supplementary Courses successfully completed

Fernando Oliveira is now preparing to teach the Grade 8 Math supplementary course curriculum starting the week of January 19 in First Nation schools across Ontario. He is doing this from his home office in Toronto by using the internet and other on-line communication tools and resources. Check out this work at Fifteen First Nation schools have registered so far for these supplementary Math units to support the students in their regular classes.

The fall semester Fernando delivered a variety of Grade 8 Science supplementary units in 11 different First Nation classrooms. Click here to read his report and the comments from the teachers about this experience.

This initiative was first piloted in the spring of 2003 working with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak community partners working together in the development and delivery of the Keewaytinook Internet High School. Fernando, who use to teach with KiHS in the remote First Nations of Poplar Hill and Fort Severn, agreed to develop and facilitate the delivery of on-line science units for Grade 8 students in 8 communities. This pilot proved very successful (click here to read the June report).

This past fall, Keewaytinook Okimakanak partnered with Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program to offer a series of on-line Grade 8 supplementary course material to support students and staff in the delivery of the Science, Math and English curriculum. Once again, Fernando agreed to coordinate the development and delivery of this material.