30 years of Wawatay News celebrated with on-line archives

Wawatay News is celebrating thirty years of publication with the launch of their electronic archives. One issue from each year of publishing since 1974 when Wawatay News was first published under the Keesis banner is now available on-line. Click here to read about all the history, the work and the changes that have happened across Nishnawbe Aski Nation over the the past thirty years.

These archives were made possible by a grant from FedNor in partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net team. The Wawatay newspaper team now has the tools and the capacity to begin moving all their material on-line. Additional resources are being sought to continue the development of this on-line resource.

Another initiative in partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program will expand and develop these on-line resources to be used in the First Nation schools across the region.