Report Of The Global Forum Of Indigenous Peoples And The Information Society

Keewaytinook Okimakanak participated in the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva that took place on December 8 to 11, within several venues. These included:

  • Jesse Fiddler travelled to Geneva to attend the different sessions and do several presentations about the work being completed by K-Net in partnership with First Nations (see the Wawatay story and other K-News stories);
  • Keewaytinook Okimakanak team members connected with other First Nation groups and the folks in Geneva via video conference on two occasions during the Smart Fair in Winnipeg;
  • the multi-media presentation and case studies about the work being completed by K-Net were distributed and posted on-line.

The Report from the Global Forum of Indigenous Peoples and the Information Society gathering was released on December 23 by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous
Issues. Click here to read the report.