Web Construction Workshop for First Nations Schools held in Sioux Lookout

Workshop instructors Jesse Fiddler and Cal Kenny worked with First Nation reps this week to develop First Nation school web sites using the open source Post Nuke document management platform. Several First Nation schools in the North sent local community members to this workshop that is sponsored by Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program. The Sioux Lookout workshop provided participants with all of the knowledge necessary to create free web sites for their schools on the First Nations SchoolNet web portal at http://firstnationschools.ca. The Sioux Lookout Aboriginal Area Management Board once again supported the delivery of this workshop by providing the use of their boardroom.

If your First Nation school would like more information about these free workshops,  email brianwalmark@knet.ca (Special Projects Coordinator for the Ontario RMO project). These workshops are coming to a community near you in the new year!

The First Nations SchooNet Helpdesk (staffed by John Moreau - jmoreau@knet.ca and Jamie Ray - jamieray@knet.ca) prepared and supports a training lab for these workshops. Technical support for hardware and software issues is available by calling these two at 877-737-KNET (5638). Barb Wong (barbwong@knet.ca) is working with Brian as the SchoolNet project administrator out of her Sioux Lookout office.

Participants at the Sioux Lookout workshop included Simon McKay, Chairman of the Michikan Education Authority, Pauline Beardy (Bearskin), Michael Rashleigh and Rosemary Erb (Wapekeka), William Mekanak (Kingfisher), Robert Semple (Kasabonika), Shawn Kakegamic and Stan Beardy (Muskrat Dam) and Margaret Angeconeb (Windigo Education Authority).

Click here to view the photos from the workshop.