Harnessing ICTs and WSIS; Regional FN Telehealth Announcement in Wawatay

The December 11 issue of Wawatay News contains three more news stories about the work being completed within the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project.

This week's issue of the Kuh-ke-nah page in Wawatay News include the following articles:

  • Harnessing ICTs: a Canadian First Nations experience: Jesse Fiddler’s trip to the World Summit on the Information Society gatherings in Geneva, Switzerland is described in this article. The on-line multi-media production with various video productions describing the work completed under the Kuhkenah Smart First Nations demonstration project is also described. This production (and each of the accompanying publications) is available at http://smart.knet.ca/kuhkenah_flash.html.
  • Telehealth to be offered in SL Zone nursing stations: Bob Nault, on behalf of Health Canada, announced the launch of the $6.4 million Keewaytinook Telehealth Initiative. Over the next two and half years, the Keewaytinook Okimakanak telehealth team will be working with our partners to support the development of telehealth services in all the health centres across the Sioux Lookout Health Zone. See the announcement.
  • K-Net Showcase - contains photos from the K-Net photo gallery at http://photos.knet.ca and First Nation web sites describing the partnerships involved with K-Net to create innovative applications and deliver services with the communities across Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

Rick Garrick is researching additional stories for future articles. If you have a story that you want to share about this project and the work that is happening in your community to get connected, please send us an e-mail.

Various newspaper articles are being scanned and stored for reference purposes in this photo gallery.