Communities with Public libraries in Ontario get a boost supporting Access To IT

Ontario press release 

Strengthening Ontario's Public Libraries - McGuinty Government Supports Access To Electronic Information

June 2, 2010 - The province is investing $2 million in the Southern Ontario Library Service and Ontario Library Service - North. Both agencies will support public libraries by offering electronic services, such as electronic databases, to Ontarians. Ensuring access to this electronic information will support local skills development, including the research and technology skills needed to succeed in a knowledge economy.

This investment will allow Ontario's public libraries to continue supporting families and in building strong, vibrant communities.

"Ontario's public libraries are a vital part of our knowledge economy. We are committed to supporting access to electronic information resources through our public libraries. "
– Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism and Culture

"Southern Ontario Library Service welcomes the opportunity to partner with the Ontario Library Service - North in providing electronic resources for all Ontarians. We are grateful that the McGuinty government is supporting this important service."
– Brenda Carrigan, Chair, Southern Ontario Library Service

"Ontario Library Service - North appreciates the investment from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture to make electronic resources available to citizens of Ontario. We applaud the McGuinty government's understanding of the importance of such resources. We look forward to working with the Southern Ontario Library Service in providing these services."
– Joyce Cunningham, Chair, Ontario Library Service - North


  • Today's announcement builds on investments already made to support digital technology in museums and investments that have supported postsecondary e-learning in Northern Ontario.
  • Almost all Ontarians have access to a public library.
  • There are 320 public library systems in Ontario, comprising 941 branches and 1,087 public library service points (e.g. branches, deposit stations, bookmobile stops) across the province, including large, small, rural, remote, Francophone and First Nations libraries.
  • There are more than 66.5 million in-person visits per year at Ontario's public libraries.


> Explore the Public Libraries Act.
> Find out more about the Southern Ontario Library Service.
> Find out more about the Ontario Library Service - North.


Denelle Balfour
Communications Branch

Mukunthan Paramalingham
Minister's Office