List of murdered or missing Aboriginal women continues to grow especially in urban areas

Research findings from the Sisters In Spirit initiative

Sisters In Spirit 2010 Research Findings

Aboriginal women and girls are strong and beautiful. They are our mothers, our daughters, our sisters, aunties, and grandmothers


This research would not have been possible without the stories shared by families and communities of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls. The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is indebted to the many families, communities, and friends who have lost a loved one. We are continually amazed by your strength, generosity and courage. 

We thank our Elders and acknowledge First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities for their strength and resilience.

We acknowledge the dedication and commitment of community and grassroots researchers, advocates, and activists who have been instrumental in raising awareness about this issue. We also acknowledge the hard work of service providers and all those working towards ending violence against Aboriginal women in Canada.

We appreciate the many community, provincial, national and Aboriginal organizations, and federal departments that supported this work, particularly Status of Women Canada.

Finally, NWAC would like thank all those who worked on the Sisters In Spirit initiative over the past five years. These contributions have been invaluable and have helped shape the nature and findings of this report.

This research report is dedicated to all Aboriginal women and girls who are missing or have been lost to violence.

Click here for Sisters In Spirit 2010 Research Findings



List of missing or slain native women grows

Most of deaths and disappearances occurred in western provinces, group says

The Canadian Press - April 21, 2010

A new report has added 62 more names to a growing list of missing or slain aboriginal women and girls across Canada.

The report by the Native Women's Association of Canada pegs the total as at least 582. The data is drawn from the last three decades, with 153 of the cases occurring between 2000 and 2008. Most of the women in the database were killed, while 115 are still missing.

The group says the data is limited by the way information is collected — there's no national missing-persons database and police records don't always indicate aboriginal status.

The Sisters in Spirit initiative led the five-year project to document and report on cases of missing and slain aboriginal women and girls.

The report found that aboriginal females are more likely to be killed by a stranger than non-aboriginal.

It says many victims are targeted simply because they are aboriginal and their attackers assume they will not fight back or be missed.

"The stories shared by families, communities and friends also tell us that many missing and murdered women and girls were 'vulnerable' only insofar as they were aboriginal and they were women," the report says.

"The over-representation of aboriginal women in Canada as victims of violence must be understood in the context of a colonial strategy that sought to dehumanize aboriginal women."

Many killings unsolved

Nearly half of all homicide cases involving First Nations, Métis and Inuit women and girls remain unsolved. The rate is dramatically different for cases where non-aboriginal women are killed, where 84 per cent are cleared by charges or other means.

Most of the missing and slain women are mothers and grandmothers who leave children behind.

"It goes without saying that children will experience trauma after such incidents, regardless of their age," the report says.

"If these wounds are not healed and children carry this pain with them into adulthood, a cycle of intergenerational trauma may well result."

Most of the deaths and disappearances occurred in western provinces, but there are missing or slain women recorded in all regions and territories.

Most cases occurred in urban areas — 70 per cent of women and girls disappeared from an urban area and 60 per cent were killed in another.

More than half of the slain and missing women and girls were under the age of 31.