K-Net team receives training and development for IP Telephony

Dan Brabrand traveled from Richmond, Virginia to Sioux Lookout on Sunday, Nov 23 to work with the K-Net team in setting up an IP telephone system that will serve Keewaytinook Okimakanak and our partner communities and organizations. Dan works with Kevin Gerber out of their Virginia office. Kevin has worked with K-Net for a number of years starting when he was in Toronto working with the Education Network of Ontario.

The team spent time setting up the Call Manager so it can route the calls from the IP phones to their proper locations across the network and to their proper gateways. Some time was also spent setting up the conferencing system so conference calls can also be facilitated over this network. Check out the pictures of the training and the equipment.

IP phones are now located in the K-Net office in Sioux Lookout with single phones located in each of the other Keewaytinook Okimakanak offices across the network. This includes KO offices in Balmertown and Thunder Bay and each of the KO First Nation e-Centres in Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill. The roll out plan to expand the number of operational IP phones will be implemented over the next couple of months as everyone becomes comfortable with supporting these new services and opportunities.