Grassy Narrows First Nation battle with mercury poisoning featured on APTN's Perspective

This is the Web Page for APTN's 'Perspectives on the Environment' TV Series. Once a show has aired, you can click on the photograph beside that show and watch the show on your computer! So, if you missed one of these programs --- here they are for you for when ever you are able to watch them!

From APTN website

Perspectives On the Environment

Damage to nature affects Aboriginal Peoples who live closely with the land. As part of our commitment to bring you the stories that affect your community, APTN News presents Perspectives on the Environment, a week of news stories dedicated to environmental issues affecting Aboriginal Peoples across Canada. The stories, which will be featured during APTN National News March 8 to March 11 and will culminate in an hour-long edition of APTN InFocus March 12, will focus on major ecological issues in every region of Canada: North, South/Central, East and West.


Perspectives On the Environment
March 8-11 during APTN National News
March 12 during the hour-long season finale of APTN InFocus:
  • 6:00 pm ET on APTN East
  • 6:00 pm MT on APTN West
  • 6:00 pm CT on APTN North
  • 6:00 pm ET on APTN HD
Monday, March 8th, 2010 on APTN National News
North - Peel Watershed
The Yukon's Peel Watershed is 67,000 square miles of wilderness that is all Traditional Territory. Mining and gas companies are lobbying to develop the area while many say it must be preserved. APTN's Dez Loreen will look at the resources that make the land so valuable, the traditions that make the region so rich, and the debate over its future.
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 on APTN National News
East - Boat Harbour, Nova Scotia
The Pictou Landing First Nation has been fighting for more than 40 years to get the Nova Scotia government and industry to clean up the harbour. The water, which at one time featured pristine beaches, has turned black from all the pollution and is making people sick. APTN's James Hopkin talks to the people in this Mi'kmaq community and to the tenth provincial minister to deal with the problem.
Wednesday March 10th, 2010 on APTN National News
South/ Central - Mercury Pollution
The people of Ontario's Grassy Narrows First Nation are battling the severe health effects of mercury exposure. The emissions that polluted the watershed happened decades ago and the federal government says the water is now fine, but as APTN's Melissa Ridgen discovered when she visited the community, the evidence suggests otherwise.
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Thursday, March 11th, 2010 on APTN National News
West - Deep Water Port for Super Tankers
Hartley Bay, "The Greenest First Nations Community in Canada" is in danger of losing that title. A plan has been proposed that would see oil transported along the area's narrow and treacherous waterways via supertankers twice the size of the Exxon Valdez. APTN's Noemi LoPinto travels to Hartley Bay to get both sides of the story.
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Friday, March 12th, 2010 on APTN InFocus
One-Hour Season Finale
APTN National News is preempted for the hour-long season finale of APTN InFocus as a panel of experts discusses the four Perspectives on the Environment stories that aired during the week on APTN National News. They will also examine the epidemic of poor water quality in Indigenous communities.
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