Live webcast of COO Education meeting on Performance Measurements and INAC's EIS

INAC's Education Information System (EIS) Ontario information session in Thunder Bay is being web cast and can be viewed at:

To:     Ontario First Nation Leadership
cc:     First Nation Education Coordination Unit
Fr:     Janine Willie, Education Coordinator
Date: February 25, 2010

This is to confirm that the Chiefs of Ontario, Education Unit are coordinating a two-day planning session in Thunder Bay at the Victoria Inn on March 8th and 9th, 2010.

Purpose of the Session:

The Department of Indian and Northern Affairs is conducting regional sessions to obtain feedback on the development of an Education Information System. The proposed EIS will be a new national database that will combine all First Nation recipient reports that include education information. This includes elementary, secondary, post secondary, and special education – INAC’s goal is to combine all reports into a single national system that is web based. The new EIS system will cost $27 million over 5 years. Although INAC is establishing their own federal database, First Nations are expected to develop their own student information data systems through the new First Nations School Success Program funding.

Planning Session – March 8, 2010

This session represents an important opportunity to share our feedback, document our concerns, and develop our strategy. On March 8, 2010 the First Nation Education community in Ontario will have an opportunity to have an internal preparatory dialogue.

EIS Session – March 9, 2010

The INAC led session will take place on March 9, 2010.