International Women's Week - March 7 to 13 - Strong Women. Strong Canada. Strong World

From Canada's Status of Women's site


International Women's Day

March 8, 2010

Strong Women. Strong Canada. Strong World.

In 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on member states to proclaim a day for women's rights and international peace. Following the United Nations' lead, Canada chose March 8 as International Women's Day.

Each year at this time, Canadians celebrate progress toward equality for women and their full participation, reflect on the challenges and barriers that remain, and consider future steps to achieving equality for all women, in all aspects of their lives.

Over time, International Women's Day has grown into a week-long series of commemorative events and activities across the country. International Women's Week 2010 begins on Sunday, March 7 and wraps up on Saturday, March 13.

We encourage all Canadians - women and men, girls and boys - to promote International Women's Day / International Women's Week. Better yet, why not organize your own IWD/IWW event in your community, organization, workplace or school?


March 8 is International Women's Day (IWD), the highlight of International Women's Week (IWW). Each year at this time, Canadians celebrate progress toward equality for women and their full participation, reflect on current challenges and consider future steps in achieving equality for all women, in all aspects of their lives.

International Women's Week 2010 begins on Sunday, March 7, and wraps up on Saturday, March 13. The Government of Canada's theme for 2010 is Strong Women. Strong Canada. Strong World.

This theme reflects the government's action to encourage more women and girls to participate in leadership roles, thereby helping them thrive, reach their full potential, fulfill their dreams and build a more prosperous Canada.

For Canadians, equality means women and men sharing in the responsibilities and obligations, as well as in the opportunities and rewards, of life and work. In Canada, leadership is key across society – from the private sector to governments to the general public. Leadership is important, so that people of all origins, generations and backgrounds can participate fully in our country's economic, social and democratic life, and ultimately, in improving the state of the world.

Click here for past themes.


  • In 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on member states to proclaim a day for women's rights and international peace. Following the United Nations' lead, Canada chose March 8 as International Women's Day.
  • International Women's Week 2010 takes place from Sunday, March 7, through to Saturday, March 13.
  • This year, the theme is Strong Women. Strong Canada. Strong World., reflecting the Government's firm belief that increasing women's participation, and access to leadership roles and opportunities will help women and girls reach their full potential and help build a more prosperous Canada.
  • Canadian women have made enormous strides. The current Government has the highest percentage of women in Cabinet in Canadian history. The House of Commons currently has 67 women.
  • Women are also increasing their participation in other aspects of Canadian life. Currently, women make up the majority of full-time students in most university faculties.
  • The labour force participation rate for working-age women (15-64 years) has risen from 68.2 per cent to 74.3 per cent over the past decade (1997-2008). In 2007, women made up 35 per cent of all self-employed individuals.
  • There has also been a long-term increase in the share of women who are working in managerial positions.  In 2007, 35% of those employed in managerial positions were women.


To assist you in organizing an IWW / IWW 2010 activity, or simply to raise awareness of this year's theme, Status of Women Canada has prepared the following products:

  • Poster, IWD / IWW 2010
    Strong Women. Strong Canada. Strong World.
    View Description of Poster in HTML (Web page)
    View the Poster in Acrobat® 5* (1 page, 336 KB)
  • Logo to create a Web link
    If you want to promote IWD / IWW 2010 on your Web site, you can create a link to this page by downloading the following logo. Simply right-mouse-click on the image and save your copy now!

    International Women's Day Logo

* In order to open, view, navigate and print Acrobat PDF files, it is necessary to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system. If you do not have this software, it is downloadable free of charge. Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader, and follow the instructions to install it.


The IWD / IWW 2010 Poster (publication # 10-G-001) is available to order online. There is a limit of 10 per school, 5 per organization and 2 per individual.

You can also send your requests by e-mail to or by fax to 613-957-3359. Don't forget to include your mailing address and the number of copies desired.

Please note that you can also download electronic copies in Acrobat®5 from this Web site.