National Aboriginal Energy & Power Association formed with conference planned for October

NAEPA Press Release

Announcing Launch of the National Aboriginal Energy & Power Association       

The National Aboriginal Energy & Power Association (NAEPA) will act as a guide for Aboriginal groups across Canada to realize the economic potential of power and energy development.

Formed by Bob Joseph, Dan M. Jepsen and Jerry Asp in January 2010, the Association will deliver an annual conference focused on the power production, transmission, and the oil and gas sectors with a key focus on positive and respectful Aboriginal community engagement, government and utility outreach and relations and business development.

Canada has a wealth of power and energy opportunities and huge untapped opportunities for Aboriginal communities to capitalize on the ensuing economic potential of this sector. NAEPA will facilitate the advancement of economic development through support and promotion of an economically and environmentally sustainable Aboriginal energy and power sector.

Bob Joseph, son of a hereditary Chief and member of the Gwa-wa-aineuk Nation, is the Association Chairman and President. Bob has been intimately involved for over 20 years in training, education and cultural awareness programs targeted at working effectively with Aboriginal Peoples. Joseph has extensive hands on experience in the resource sector with specific expertise in the hydro generation and transmission sector as a past senior staff member of BC Hydro. Bob said, "The energy and power sector represents a great source of economic opportunities for Canada's Aboriginal Peoples. NAEPA has received outstanding support from Aboriginal groups, major utilities and the power and oil and gas sectors to create the Association." Bob went on to say, "The Aboriginal Energy and Power Association will focus on encouraging positive and collaborative approaches to energy and power development that respect aboriginal culture and heritage, maintain high environmental standards and deliver opportunities to foster community and business stability and prosperity."

NAEPA was formed due to an expressed desire by Aboriginal communities to encourage the creation of an Aboriginal managed association focused on power production, transmission and oil and gas.

Dan M. Jepsen has joined NAEPA as Chief Executive Officer and will apply his 30 years of Association and Conference Management skills to achieve the Associations mission. Dan said, "I'm very pleased to join the NAEPA, there is an obvious need and a strong interest for the creation of this national association to support relationships based on mutual respect and trust, and open and frank sharing of information. The Association's annual conference will focus on sharing the many opportunities and success stories of Aboriginal communities, governments and the energy and power sectors working together in a positive, respectful and mutually beneficial manner."

Jepsen is the former President and CEO of the Association for Mineral Exploration BC (AME BC), co-author of the bestseller Mineral Exploration, Mining and Aboriginal Community Engagement: A Guidebook, and former Manager, Aboriginal Affairs and Environment for one of British Columbia's largest forestry companies. Dan will retain his position as Chairman of C3 Alliance Corporation based in Vancouver, BC.

Canada's history is littered with examples of how to not develop its resources in terms of recognizing Aboriginal Peoples' as key players or respecting their unique relationship with the land and its resources. The formation of the National Aboriginal Energy & Power Association is a solid step towards ensuring a healthy, prosperous, respectful and dynamic, Aboriginal energy and power sector.

Plans for the Associations first annual Conference October 12 – 14th, 2010 in Western Canada are well underway.

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