Official recognition of First Nation territory recommended by teachers for school gatherings

From the Vancouver Sun

School events should begin with aboriginal recognition: teachers' federation

By Janet Steffenhagen - March 7, 2010

Schools and school districts should begin all events with official recognition of aboriginal territory, according to delegates attending the B.C. Teachers' Federation (BCTF) annual general meeting.

While such recognition has become the usual practice at the start of many meetings in B.C., teachers said it needs to become the custom in schools as well. They passed a resolution calling on their union to encourage the practice.

While delegates agreed that schools should decide which events warrant recognition of aboriginal territory, some said they hope it will be used for all events and at the start of the school year in particular because that would send a welcoming signal to aboriginal students, many of whom struggle in school.

"It reinforces a sense of belonging," aboriginal teacher Christine Stewart said in an interview. "It acknowledges the collective history that we have all inherited."

About 700 teachers are attending the three-day annual meeting in Vancouver.