New rental housing units being made available to off-reserve Aboriginal families across Ontario

Press release 

OAHS Announces $11.7 Million in Funding for Aboriginal Housing

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, February 18, 2010

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS) is pleased to announce additional funding in the amount of $11.7 million to deliver 81 units under the First Nation, Inuit, Métis Urban & Rural Housing (FIMUR) Rental Component Program.

“This partnership between the OAHS and the Ontario government continues to make great progress, providing more affordable housing that helps Aboriginal families,” said Jim Bradley, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

“We are once again pleased to provide this funding to house Aboriginal People, promote community development, and stimulate the economy in the respective communities through new construction and building rehabilitation,” commented Don McBain, OAHS Executive Director. The goal of the FIMUR Program is to help address housing needs for Aboriginal people in Ontario living off-reserve, designed and delivered based on community engagement processes.

In October 2009, OAHS announced over $20 million in funding to deliver units as part of the first round of approvals. Together with today’s announcement, funding of over $31 million will deliver 221 units to provide safe, affordable housing for Aboriginal People living in Ontario.

Proponent submissions were evaluated by an independent Proposal Review Committee who reported their recommendations to the OAHS Board of Directors for final review and approval. The Board has granted conditional approval for the following proposals:

• Aamikkowiish Non-Profit Housing Incorporated, Kenora 17 units $2,890,000
• At^lohsa Native Family Healing Services Inc., London 16 units $2,160,000
• Hotinohsioni Inc., Brantford 10 units $1,060,000
• Kaabeshiwiin Non-Profit Housing Corporation, Red Lake 6 units $1,020,000
• Matawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation, Thunder Bay 24 units $3,374,400
• Urban Native Homes Incorporated, Hamilton 8 units $1,194,800

About the FIMUR Housing Program

The FIMUR Housing Program has two (2) components:

The Rental Housing component (approximately $51M for approximately 360 units) is a one-time capital program that includes new construction, acquisition of existing vacant residential or non-residential buildings for repair or conversion to affordable rental housing, and new supportive and transitional housing.

The Homeownership Assistance component (approximately $6M for approximately 200 households) is a forgivable loan which provides down-payment assistance to families, who are currently renting, and would like to purchase a home or homeowners who are no longer entitled to reside in their residence. The loans are interest free and forgivable after five years if the homeowner remains in the home.

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS) has been allocated $60M by the Ontario government to provide affordable housing outside of the GTA.

Funding is 100% capital and flowed from a federally funded Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust, of which Ontario received $80M.

About Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS)

OAHS is a Corporation without share capital that is mandated to:

  • provide housing and repair programs with a specific focus on the Aboriginal community, to be delivered cost-effectively;
  • provide central policy/program administration and develop training for Aboriginal Housing provider groups;
  • undertake responsibility for matters related to socially assisted, culturally appropriate off-reserve housing; and
  • utilize the talent, skills and experience of the Aboriginal community to the greatest extent possible in the allocation, delivery, construction and long term management of programs.

The OAHS Board is comprised of representatives appointed by Métis Nation of Ontario, Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, and Ontario Native Women’s Association.

“Providing safe affordable housing is our mandate. Creating homes is our goal.”

For more information on OAHS or the FIMUR Program, including both Homeownership and Rental Components, please visit us online at call 1-866-391-1061, or write to:

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
Attn: FIMUR Assisted Homeownership Program
500 Bay Street, Suite 200
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 1X5

Media Contact: Don McBain, Executive Director
Tel: (705) 256-1876 ext 202
E-mail: dmcbain[at]

Program Contact: Justin Marchand, Programs Delivery Manager
Tel: (705) 256-1876 ext 213
E-mail: jmarchand[at]