Raising The Children - An Aboriginal Parenting program goes on-line

Raising The Children - A Training Program for Aboriginal Parents is now on-line at http://raisingthechildren.knet.ca

The development of this web site was made possible through a partnership between the Sunset Women's Aboriginal Circle (SWAC), K-Net and Lorraine Kenny. Funding support for this project came from the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor) project that is supporting K-Net to create a variety of on-line training resources for First Nations.

All the material included on this web site comes directly from the Raising The Children Parenting Manual for Aboriginal parents. The entire first topics from each of the training sessions in now available on-line for parents to review.

An on-line Aboriginal Parenting support group is being facilitated utilizing Keewaytinook Okimakanak's On-line Training Centre located at http://training.knet.ca. All interested parents wishing to join this on-line support group are invited to send Lorraine Kenny an e-mail requesting to become a member of the group.