Online Health Career Fair offers First Nation students strategies for choosing health careers

Pelican Falls and Dennis Franklyn Comarty High Schools are hosting a Health and Safety Career Fair February 12 & 19, 2010.

This is a partnership between KO and NAN's Aboriginal Health Human Resource Initiative.

All students and community members are welcome to attend to talk with Aboriginal health workers about how they got interested in various careers. 

Video Conferencing will link students and presenters from schools and community centres from across the region. 

Presenters will share their stories on how they got started, what school programs or training to take and the benefits of being a part of healing.

We will hear from various professionals including: paramedics, policing, firefighting, nursing, dentistry, mental health, telemedicine, etc. 

There will be a draw for those who send in their feedback forms.

Presentations will be different, so come join us for both days! Register your site by contacting 877.737.5638 X 1263 or

Print the poster and invite your school and community.

Watch from your computer