KORI works with researchers on e-learning study health literacy and promotion in First Nations

Canadian Council on Learning Report

E-Learning To Support Health Literacy, Health Promotion And Disease Management In Community Settings 

January 2010
By Lynda Atack and Robert Luke


Demographic and technical forces are changing the way Canadians learn about their health. These societal forces require clinicians and educators to change the way they provide patient education. Researchers from Centennial College and George Brown College, partnered with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute (KORI - http://research.knet.ca) in Northern Ontario, St. Christopher House (SCH), Toronto, and a family health team from the Centre for Effective Practice, Toronto, and a cancer clinic to examine the use of innovative web-based health information sites. 


Three models of website health information were introduced at the partner sites: Patients from the Family Health team and clinic were ‘prescribed’ tailored health information on PEPTalk, a site that houses vetted health information, by their doctor or nurse. Community participants from KORI and SCH were directed to PEPTalk and to a locally developed website to obtain health information by the project team and community researchers.

A descriptive study using surveys, interviews and web log data was conducted to determine the impact of these online health literacy resources on community members’ website use, satisfaction and health literacy and health behaviour. The impact of the emerging health information intermediary role on community leaders and physicians’ practice and workload was also explored.

Click here for a copy of the full report (PDF, 509 KB)