NAN First Nation chiefs pass role model resolution encouraging voluntary drug testing

From TBNewswatch

Drug tested

First Nation chiefs may soon be telling their community to do as they say, and as they do.

First Nation chiefs from across Northern Ontario may volunteer themselves for drug testing to prove they are role models in the fight against drug abuse in their communities.

It's one of the 40 resolutions the chiefs from Nishnawbe Aski Nation developed during a special assembly in Thunder Bay this week. NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy said to help stop drug abuse and the flow of drugs into their communities, they're going to implement voluntary drug testing for community leaders for the first time ever.

Chiefs and NAN executives will be able to be tested, and be drug-free role models for the communities.

Other resolutions include dealing with child welfare issues. Beardy said they're probably going to have to shut some of their agencies' doors because of provincial funding cutbacks.

Also, Beardy said they plan to have more discussions with various levels of government about resource revenue sharing on NAN territory, and the Harmonized Sales Tax.

All the chiefs in Ontario are meeting next week in Toronto to discuss many of these issues affecting the First Nations.