Police stations in 12 First Nations receive $20M Ontario and Federal government investment

Ontario press release ...

The Government Of Canada And Ontario Invest In Policing Infrastructure For First Nation Communities

November 10, 2009 12:30 PM

Investment Will Improve Facilities For First Nations Policing Services

Today, the Honourable Peter Van Loan, Minister of Public Safety, and the Honourable Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, on behalf of the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for Ontario, announced a joint investment of $20 million to improve policing infrastructure in twelve First Nation communities in Ontario.

"This government is committed to giving our police the tools they need to prevent and solve crimes," said Minister Van Loan. "Modern facilities are needed to give law enforcement the upper hand to tackle modern criminals. Through these investments from Canada's Economic Action Plan, we are helping make streets in First Nations communities safer."

"Ontario is committed to providing our law enforcement partners with modern infrastructure through investments such as the one we are announcing today," said Minister Bartolucci. "Our government will continue to work with our First Nations and policing partners to move the yardsticks forward so that all Ontarians have the level of policing that is needed in their communities."

As part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, the federal government is providing $10.4 million of the total $20 million investment to improve First Nations policing infrastructure. Through the 2009 Ontario Budget - Confronting the Challenge: Building Our Economic Future - the province is investing $9.6 million to improve First Nations policing infrastructure.


  • Chris McCluskey
    Communications, Minister of Public Safety
  • Laura Blondeau
    Communications, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services

First Nation Communities Receiving Funding -- Backgrounder

November 10, 2009 12:15 AM

About Canada's Economic Action Plan

Through Canada's Economic Action Plan, the federal government has committed $15 million for critical policing infrastructure to address health, safety, and facility integrity issues in some of Canada's First Nations communities. The timely and effective provision of critical community services, such as policing, is impacted by the physical conditions under which these services are provided. By strengthening policing infrastructure in First Nations communities, health, safety, and service delivery issues will be addressed.

About Building Ontario's Economic Future

Through the 2009 Ontario Budget - Confronting the Challenge: Building Our Economic Future - the province is investing $32.5 billion in infrastructure projects over the next two years, including a $5 billion contribution from the federal government, which will support more than 300,000 jobs and strengthen Ontario's economy.

Investing in policing infrastructure for First Nation communities in Ontario

Under Canada's Economic Action Plan, this one-time funding to improve First Nation policing infrastructure will be available to communities currently receiving enhanced funding for police services under Public Safety Canada's First Nations Policing Program.

Eligible projects are cost-shared in collaboration with provincial governments at a rate of 52% (federal) and 48% (provincial) in accordance with the cost-share ratio under the First Nations Policing Program.

Of the $15 million committed under the Canada's Economic Action Plan, the federal government is investing approximately $10.4 million in renovations and improvements in twelve First Nation communities in Ontario. Under this one time initiative, the Province of Ontario is investing approximately $9.6 million towards these projects, for a total of approximately $20 million.

First Nation communities in Ontario receiving funding

The Governments of Canada and Ontario, and First Nation communities have signed twelve infrastructure improvement agreements that will contribute to the improvement of public security for the people living in those communities. 

Project Recipient

Policing project

Federal contribution

Ontario Contribution


Cat Lake First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community. 




Couchiching First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community.




Fort Albany First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community. 




Kasabonika First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community. 




Mattagami First Nation

This community will receive funding in order to build a facility on-site. This is usually referred to as a "stick build".





First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community. 




Six Nations of the Grand River First Nations

This community will receive funding in order to build a facility on-site. This is usually referred to as a "stick build".




United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin's  Anishnaabe Police Service

This community will receive funding in order to make necessary renovations to their existing policing facility.




Webequie First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community. 




Weenusk (Peawanuck) First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community. 




Wikwemikong First Nation

This community will receive funding in order to make necessary renovations to their existing policing facility.




Wunnumin Lake

First Nation

This community will receive a pre-fabricated building (a modular), which is built-off site but delivered and installed on the land designated by the First Nations community.









About the First Nations Policing Program:

Public Safety Canada's First Nations Policing Program provides enhanced funding for policing services delivered by the provinces in First Nation and Inuit communities to contribute to the improvement of public safety. Enhanced funding agreements are cost-shared with provincial governments at a rate of 52% (federal) and 48% (provincial).


  • Chris McCluskey
    Communications, Minister of Public Safety
  • Laura Blondeau
    Communications, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services