Call for Speakers and Workshop Presenters for “Aboriginal in Nature” conference

Call for Speakers and Workshop Presenters

2010 Ontario Association of Community Future Development Corporations (OACFDC) Conference
“Aboriginal in Nature”
Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay
June 10 to 12.

Thunder Bay Ventures and NADF are seeking Speakers and Workshop Presenters for the 2010 Ontario Association of Community Future Development Corporations (OACFDC) Conference, “Aboriginal in Nature”, which will be held at the Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay, June 10 to 12.

Please consider submitting a proposal for the conference - the attached Call for Expressions of Interest Information and Workshop Proposal contains more information.  Workshops should address one of the 7 categories listed below.

  1. Board Relations
    Example:  Building Better Boards, Strategic Planning for Boards
  2. CFDC Management / Investment Fund / Operations
    Example:  Effect of Harmonized Sales Tax on Ontario businesses, Use of Social Networking
  3. Community Economic Development
    Example: Local tour, SEED Projects, The Business of Art, Creative Communities
  4. Aboriginal Theme
    Example: Partnerships between Aboriginals and Non-Aboriginal CFDCs (or other organizations)
  5. Economic Strategies
    Example:  Triple Bottom Line, Recession-Proof Planning
  6. Youth
    Example:  Bring Young Professionals back to the Community after Post-Secondary Education (Also there should be workshops of interest to Youth Delegates)
  7. Environmental/Agricultural Opportunities
    Example:  Renewable Energy, Green Businesses, Agri-Food Projects

Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who might be interested.

We would like to have the Proposals returned to the OACFDC by November 6.


Lois Nuttall
The Amethyst Group
Representing Thunder Bay Ventures
Direct: 807-344-9208 Fax: 345-3787