Level 3 – S-22 in place at Sioux Lookout Menoyawin Health Centre for Influenza Precautions

Menoyawin press release ...

Influenza Precautions – Level 3 – Section 22 in place at Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre today!

Sioux Lookout, Ontario - October 30, 2009

Barb Linkewich, Vice President of Health Services at Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre announced this morning that Level 3 Influenza Precautions, Section 22 are now being implemented to prevent the spread of the H1N1 (or swine) influenza virus.

“Due to the increasing number of people with flu-like symptoms presenting at the hospital’s Emergency Department in the past week means that we need to institute the precautionary measures to Level 3”, said Linkewich. “Level 3 precautions are designed to protect patient, family and staff”.

The following measures are now in effect and will remain until conditions warrant changing them.

All Level 1 and Level 2 Restrictions will apply

1. Single access entrance (5th Avenue, 7th Avenue sites and Extended Care).

2. Screening for flu-like symptoms will be in place and hand washing will required by staff and visitors at the door.

3. No visitors (except for patients in labour and critically ill and palliative patients) and then only one (1) visitor at a time.

4. All elective services will be curtailed, only urgent/emergent programs will be provided.

· Diagnostic Imaging – limited services – only urgent cases to be booked for the next week
· Operating Room – Cancel dental surgery, caution on booking cases that require admissions Working hand in hand with our communities to build a healthier future 2 Influenza Precautions – Level 3 – Section 22 in place at Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre today!

5. All patients presenting at either site with flu-like illnesses will be directed to the ILI (influenza - like - illness) clinic at the 5th Avenue site.

6. Staff will gown, glove and mask when caring for patients with influenza and patients with respiratory illnesses.

7. Limit staff movement between sites. Keep employees of the William George Extended Care and 7th Avenue sites at those sites and the 5th Avenue employee at the 5th Avenue site.

8. Hostel clients will still be fed at the 7th Avenue site. The side door of the 7th Avenue site will be unlocked during meals hours only. Caution tape will be applied to direct clients to the cafeteria. Screener/security will direct clients out of the building after meals.

9. Interdepartmental meetings will be cancelled or take place through technology devices.

Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre strives to provide everyone with safe and high quality care. We want to thank the staff and public for their cooperation in following these precautionary measures and practicing proper hand washing techniques.

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For more information please contact:

Barb Linkewich
Vice President of Health Services
Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre
Box 909
Sioux Lookout, Ontario P8T 1B4
T: 8077373030 ext.2029