Exploring Canadian Public Interest in Internet Policy and Decision Making online survey

From the International Institute for Sustainable Development site

CIRA Survey on Internet Policy Dialogue in Canada 


The growth of the Internet and its increasing role in our daily work and lives is generating a broad range of issues that may warrant more public discussion among users, developers, industry and government.

The Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA) is undertaking a survey to explore whether there is interest in increasing the dialogue around the evolution and use of the Internet in Canada. This survey is being managed in conjunction with the International Institute for Sustainable Development.  The purpose is to assess the value in establishing a new forum through which Canadians can explore these issues.

A new survey on Canadian Public Interest in Internet Policy and Decision Making: We would like to hear from you! The growth of the Internet and its increasing role in our daily work and lives is generating a broad range of issues. These issues may warrant more public discussion among users, developers, industry and government. The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA-www.cira.ca) believes that it is time to assess the value in establishing a new forum through which Canadians can explore issues around the growth and use of the Internet. We would like your input on the following:

  • Your priorities and concerns around the evolution of the Internet in Canada;
  • Your views about the type of process that might best serve Canadians to advance public debate on these concerns;
  • How this process might best be linked to regional and international stakeholders involved in shaping the future of the global Internet. 

Please take 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey at  


This survey will close on October 18, 2009.

This survey is being undertaken in conjunction with the International Institute for Sustainable Development. For further information, email cira_survey@iisd.ca.

If you would like to contribute your views to our discussion forum please click here.