Grant available for community-based Indigenous Peoples’ Videos On Climate Change

Press release 

$5,000 Grants For Indigenous Peoples’ Videos On Climate Change - Call for videos until October 31, 2009

First Peoples Worldwide is awarding three $5,000 grants for videos documenting Indigenous communities using traditional knowledge to adapt to, or mitigate the impacts of climate change on their lands and waterways. Indigenous Peoples must submit their entry in video format in order to be considered for this grant. Successful videos will show the impacts of climate change through the eyes of the community and present the ways Indigenous Peoples are adapting to these changes or working to lessen their impacts.

Videos must include footage that covers the following five items:

  1. State the name of the Indigenous Peoples and where they live.
  2. Show the effects of climate change on your territory. You may show photos, ask elders to explain the changes, or use video to show the damages to or changes in land and waterways.
  3. Show the effects of climate change on the people in your community. You may discuss traditional livelihoods, access to food, shelter, and/or health.
  4. Show how your community is using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change on your territory and/or in your community.
  5. Are you involved in any policy discussions with your government or any other political forum?

Videos may be submitted in English, French, or Spanish. Transcript of local language must be submitted in English, French, or Spanish with the accompanying video. We encourage using multiple voices from many community members. Three $5,000 grants will be awarded, one for each of the following categories:

  • General community
  • Women
  • Youth

Grant funding must be used to continue work in the areas of climate change within the community as described in the video application. Your community or organization may submit more than one video, but not more than one video in each of the categories listed above. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2009

Applications must come from organizations that meet the following criteria:

  • Grants will not be awarded to individuals
  • Organizations must be Indigenous-led organization or fiscal agent acting at the request of an Indigenous community
  • Organizations must be registered under the laws of the country in which they operate
  • Organizations must have a bank account
  • No grants can be awarded for travel to or activities within the United States

If an organization does not meet the criteria above, a grant cannot be made. Grants will only be made once the winning organizations complete the necessary paperwork required by First Peoples Worldwide. Please submit with your video the following information:

  • The name of the Indigenous Peoples submitting the video and where they are located
  • If your organization is an Indigenous-led NGO, CBO, fiscal agent or other (explain)
  • A contact name and title for the person submitting the video
  • The organization’s name, mailing address, country, email address, telephone, and fax

How to submit your video:

  • Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to Jessica Friswell (jfriswell[at] and jessica_friswell[at]
  • Send a DVD or tape version of the video by mail to:

Jessica Friswell
First Peoples Worldwide
857 Leeland Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Depending on the format of a tape version, First Peoples Worldwide may not be able to access your footage, so a digital format is preferred (YouTube, DVD). First Peoples Worldwide may be able to return your video tape to your organization if a request is made at the time of submission.

First Peoples Worldwide may use pieces of video on our website, in funder materials, or in group presentations.

First Peoples Worldwide reserves the right not to make a grant if we do not receive any video applications. If First Peoples does not receive video applications in one or more categories (general community, women, youth), we may make fewer than three grants. Applications received after October 31, 2009 will not be considered for grants.

Please contact Jessica Friswell (jfriswell[at] and jessica_friswell[at] with any questions.