Hunger and poverty in Canada requiring citizens action with food drives and Celebrations of Giving

OCTOBER 10, 2009

One example of a special event planned for the forks in Winnipeg ...

Join us on October 10th in recognizing the national day of hunger. The Celebration of Giving event celebrates the act of giving, and acknowledges the need to give to those who are hungry.
Winnipeg Harvest helps to feed 40,000 people monthly with almost half of those people being children.
On October 10th we are encouraging Manitobans to fast for 1 day to experience hunger and donate the monetary value of what your daily food would cost to Winnipeg Harvest. If you are unable to fast you can support by making a non-perishable food donation to Winnipeg   Harvest.
Please join us for the Celebration of Giving!


A special message from the folks at Turtle Lodge

Dear friends,
Here is the Official Poster and invite to the exciting Celebration of Giving events on Saturday October 10 - at the Forks from 11 am - 4 pm.  It will be a great event! 
The special day will include...

  • Event MCs Troy Westwood and Ray "Coco" Stevenson
  • Runners from the 4 directions coming through Winnipeg carrying Torches and Flags with the Seven Animals representing the Seven Sacred Laws
  • Lighting of the Sacred Fire at the Odeena Centre at the Forks
  • Red Shadow Singers Drum group and Other Drum Performances including the Japanese Taiko drum
  • Speakers:  David Northcott, Manitoba Grand Chief Morris Swan-Shannacappo, Honourable Minister of Healthy Living Kerry Irvin-Ross and more 
  • Performances by Various Artists including the Aboriginal Music Tour, Youth Performances and More 
  • Explanation of the Celebration of Giving 

More information on how to participate in the Celebration of Giving at

Please share with your friends.  Hope to see you all there!

To download the Participation Package for schools, universities, community organizations, etc:

Click here to download Participation Package.

Click here for a PDF copy of the poster