KO partners with NADF and PARO to offer online Business and Personal Finance Training series

All are welcome to join in the free Business and Personal Finance video conference workshop series. Interactive workshops presented by Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund, PARO Centre for Womens Enterprise and Keewaytinook Okimakanak are scheduled for Friday mornings. Mark that time on your calendar and bring coffee and your questions. Many of the workshops are designed for youth, students, moms and those thinking of starting a support group or community project.

Next Workshop:   September 18, 2009 930-11 CST
                             7 Attributes for Business and Personal Success  
                             Colleen Martin, NADF

Please register your site by contacting WesleyMcKay@knet.ca or MarkKakegamic@knet.ca (877.737.5638 X 1266) Print the poster and invite others from the band office, school, community centre, clinic, etc. If you have 3+ people, ask for a PO for refreshments 1 day before the event.

Upcoming Workshops:

Finance for Students          Mom-entrepreneur          Balancing Family and Work

Proposal Writing                 Working from Home         Get Organized and Fight Time Wasters

Community Planning           Budgeting for Students   Marketing your Arts & Crafts...