Prayer Day for Mother Earth and the Environment set for Sept 16 on Parliament Hill

Press Release

Indigenous Cooperative on the Environment
Initiative coopérative environnementale autochtone 1-888-ice-ntwk (423-6895)

Prayer Day Invitation

Welcome to a PRAYER DAY for


Sept. 16th, 2009, 8am – 8pm.

Many wonderful things are happening through Indigenous prophesies that that have been foretold and are unfolding around us as we live through these special prophesised times.

Many levels of Government, officials, employees and Indigenous organizations are working hard and achieving many beneficial outcomes on behalf of Indigenous Communities of Canada i.e. the Inuit, Métis and First Nations People of Turtle Island and as a result of these meaningful results the Canadian population is a beneficiary along with the world community – everything is connected.

For the Indigenous people Mother Earth/the environment holds a sacred place.
It is a connection to a Greater Power. What we do to Mother Earth we do to ourselves; - the rivers are the blood veins – (spoken in part) Dr. Elder William Commanda and
- we are not the web but only a strand – (spoken in part) Chief Seattle.
If we pollute and rape Mother Earth we do this damage to ourselves.

There are areas where it is felt the Laws and Bills that are being enacted do not represent Mother Earth in a favourable way. It is prophesized that there will come a time when the Red People, the Indigenous People will be needed to help correct the road on which humanity is travelling. The law “Duty to Consult and Accommodate” must be respected and utilized as a meaningful and conscious grass roots approach when making, changing and enacting laws, particularly environmental laws.

It is through our prayer and intent that we as individuals can add a key component and influence the decisions that Parliamentarians are making, resulting in a conscious attitude toward Mother Earth. Together we can impact and add consciousness to the decision making process.

Parliamentarians, you are here to not only manage, in a good way, this economic empire that has been built, your responsibility, most importantly, is to protect this delicate biosphere and also provide/maintain a nurturing and caring attitude/system to care for the next seven generations of life on this planet.

Everyone, please join us in 12 hours of continuous prayer and intent, people of all races, spiritual/religious persuasion and walks of life on the steps of Parliament Hill Sept. 16, 8 am – 8 pm to offer our prayers of strong intention, to give the Parliamentarians the strength and wisdom to make the honourable decisions that are required during these pivotal times.

This prayer session will be open to the elements, open to Mother Nature, to intensify our intent peacefully but in a connected way, impressing on the Parliamentarians the need to feel and be part of Mother Earth and all Her sensations while making decisions and not judge as good or bad, but as a gift “our living environment”.

Join us for 12 continuous hours of intent on the steps or from where you are.

For more info ICE office 1-613-628-6209 or

We are the caretakers of this gift!

Miigwetch, for your involvement and support.