First Nations in the Sioux Lookout region exploring the establishment of an urban reserve

NOHFC press release

Sioux Lookout Reviews Business Opportunities For First Nations

September 10, 2009
McGuinty Government Helping Boost Aboriginal Economic Development
The Municipality of Sioux Lookout will study the feasibility of establishing an urban reserve to help foster economic development initiatives for area First Nations.

An urban reserve is a federal designation of land within a municipal boundary that gives First Nation businesses the chance to establish themselves and provide employment and training opportunities.

With Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) assistance, the municipality in partnership with Sioux Lookout Area Chiefs will coordinate the study that includes public education and consultation sessions.  The study is expected to be completed by March 2010.

"Sioux Lookout is the hub for nearly 30 First Nation communities and provides important services for about 30,000 people in the area. This project will help identify new business opportunities that could create much-needed jobs in the region."

 – Minister Michael Gravelle
Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry and Chair of the NOHFC


  • The NOHFC is providing $63,344 for this project.
  • The municipality is hosting a three-day Economic Development Summit in Sioux Lookout on November 17 to 19 to address the urban reserve initiative as well as other issues pertaining to mining, value-added forestry and bio-energy.


  • Anne-Marie Flanagan
    Minister's Office
  • Michel Lavoie
    Communications Branch