Heritage Canada's Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program deadline of Sept 30

Federal government press release ...

Funding Deadline Sept 30, 2009 - Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program

If your community hosts a recurring festival, or plans to celebrate an important local anniversary, event organizers may be eligible for financial assistance, through a program administered by the federal Department of Canadian Heritage. The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program provides support for activities that engage volunteers and present local artists, artisans and local historical heritage, and that are intended for and open to the general public.

Funding is available through three components:

Component I: Local Festivals supports local, recurring community events and activities that feature the public presentation of local artists and/or of local heritage.

Component II: Community Anniversaries supports local, non-recurring community events and activities that commemorate the 100th or greater (in increments of 25 years) anniversary of a local historically significant event or person.

Component III: Legacy Fund supports capital projects that restore, renovate, or transform a building or exterior space (e.g., statue, community hall renovation, monument, garden, art purchase). Projects must demonstrate a clear link to the commemoration of the anniversary (100th or greater, in increments of 25 years) of a significant local historical event or personality.

Deadline for applications:

Component I, Local Festivals is:
September 30, 2009: for festivals starting between April 1 and August 31, 2010.

Component II, Community Anniversaries is:
September 30, 2009: for events starting between April 1 and December 31, 2010.
Exceptionally in 2009: events starting between January 1 and March 31, 2010.

Component III, Legacy Fund is:
September 30, 2009: for anniversaries taking place between the date of application and December 31, 2012. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2012.

For more information on eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage website at www.pch.gc.ca/communities, or call 1-800-661-0585.