Inviting Aboriginal Artists to apply to join the Artisan Village during 2010 Olympic Winter Games

Calling Aboriginal Artists
across Canada to apply to participate in the Artisan Village
during the

Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games

February 12 to 28, 2010

The FHFN, in partnership with VANOC, is seeking experienced and talented Canadian Aboriginal artists and artisans interested in participating in the Artisan Village and Business Showcase during the 2010 Winter Games. This program will include First Nations, Inuit and Métis artists and artisans from a variety of professional levels, backgrounds and styles.

Through an evaluation process, pre-qualified artists and artisans will have the opportunity to display and sell artwork, products and services that will play a role in creating a lasting impression of Games experience for millions of people worldwide. The Artisan Village and Business Showcase will be seen by thousands of visitors during the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Olympic Winter Games which run from February 12 to 28, 2010.

Please see the attached call letter for detail information and send in your completed application before September 30,

Rosi Niedermayer
Director, International Business, Economic Development, and Sustainability
Four Host First Nations
#610 – 100 Park Royal
West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2
Fax: 604-913-1815

Click here to download the invitation letter


VANOC 2010 Aboriginal Visual Artist Submission Requirements

DOWNLOAD APPLICATION     Aboriginal Visual Artist Submission Requirements

VANOC – Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games [ ] is seeking Aboriginal visual artists to register on its database for potential art opportunities at the Venues Aboriginal Art Program:

At VANOC, we are committed to showcasing and sharing extraordinary talent with our community. In keeping with this commitment, we have created an Artist Registry that will give us the opportunity to stay informed and in touch with diverse artists from across Canada and abroad.

The Aboriginal Artist Database is a centralized database that members and affiliates of VANOC can reference when programming events. We may eventually share this legacy with our partners, supporters, affiliates, sponsors, and others involved in the Olympic Movement (encompasses organizations, athletes, and other persons who agree to be guided by the Olympic Charter) as well as other arts and cultural organizations.

We take steps to maintain the security of your personal information and to prevent unauthorized access to it by those who do not have a legitimate need for it. We will only disclose your personal information as contemplated herein or if we otherwise obtain your consent.

The attached information outlines the requirements for each artist to register. Each artist must submit:

  1. Proof of First Nations Ancestry: i.e. a copy of status card, members card or other documentation
  2. Artist bio and/or CV
  3. 10 images of their (current/best) work – preferably digital
  4. 3 references (names, address, numbers and email)
  5. The ABORIGINAL ARTIST DATABASE RELEASE FORM must be signed and submitted with the other information.

Artists can fill in and email to us or print, fill it out in written form and mail to the address below.

This list will be accessible to other functions within VANOC, sponsors, partners and others that are looking for Aboriginal artists to target for their own Olympic related art opportunities.

Rena Godard
Coordinator, Venues Aboriginal Art Program
Vancouver Organizing Committee for
    the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
400 - 3585 Graveley St.
Vancouver, BC V5K 5J5
Tel: 604-403-1794/Fax: 778-328-2011
