Church minister found guilty of seven more assault charges against First Nation youth


Concurrent sentence means Rowe to be released today

Garett Williams - Miner and News - July 3, 2009

Despite being found guilty of an additional seven sexual assault related charges in a Kenora Superior Court Thursday, convicted pedophile Ralph Rowe is expected to be freed from prison today.

Rowe, who was serving a three-year sentence for similar charges when his sixth prosecution began in April, was scheduled to be paroled today. The only thing standing in his way would have been an addition jail term to be served at the conclusion of the current sentence.

Instead, Justice Erwin Stach imposed a one-year jail term to be served concurrently, leaving Rowe’s initial parole date intact, saying “serial prosecution” over the years has resulted in a harsh sentence on its own.

Rowe was found guilty of six additional counts of indecent assault and one count of sexual assault dating back to the late 1970s and early 1980s when he worked as an Anglican minister and Scout leader in remote First Nation communities in Northwestern Ontario.

For complete story see today's Daily Miner and News available at news stands or on the web at

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