Town of Sioux Lookout partners with KO-KNET to produce new web portal -

From the Sioux Bulletin

Sioux Lookout launches brand new website


Erin Christie - STAFF WRITER - July 1, 2009

THE Municipality of Sioux Lookout has launched its new official website to bring the town fully into the 21st century. “It has a polished, professional appearance and a wealth of easy to access information for residents, visitors, tourists and potential investors. We take great pride in being the Hub of the North but this website takes us one step further by creating a gateway to our community for the rest of the world,” said Communications Officer Neil Carbone at the official launch held June 25.

As part of the Municipality’s comprehensive communications strategy that includes rebranding, marketing and advertising initiatives, as well as internal and external communications improvements, all aimed at improving customer service and raising the community’s profile, the new website provides users with a wealth of community information, photos, and news items, and provides new ways for the public to become involved in the municipal government process including feedback forms, customer surveys, polls and accurate information about department services, information about public meetings, agenda items, reports, bylaws and council minutes.

"The new site is also easier to keep updated with current information. Our previous website was difficult to navigate and not easy to update, which led to customer and resident complaints. The new site remedies those problems and makes it easy to find the answers to common questions,” said Carbone.

“Getting information to the public is extremely important to us,” explained Mayor Kathy Poling.

“Three elements are critical to a successful website. It has to be aesthetically pleasing, user friendly and be able to convey information to the public in a timely and reasonable fashion. This new site embodies all of these things, and will help us continue to be as transparent as we possibly can,” said Poling.

Designed by KNet, a local media and communications company, the new site is the result of a collaborative effort between KNet and the Municipality and has been in the works for nearly two years.

“About two years ago the Department of Development Services assumed the responsibility for Internet technology services for the Municipality,” explained Development Services Manager Peter Moyer. “With that came the task of implementing an entirely new website. Of the many proposals we received, we chose KNet as our design consultant and they’ve done an outstanding job!

“Neil Carbone, because of his background in graphic design, was able to provide that much needed interface between the design consultant and the rest of the project team,” said Moyer.

“There were a large number of people involved in the creation of this website,” added Cal Kenny, multi-media coordinator at KNet. “Kanina Terry, our website developer, has been instrumental in this project. She’s worked closely with Neil Carbone to produce the site you now see before you,” said Kenny.

A blend of graphic design, creativity and local content, featuring the legend of Sioux Lookout, history, maps, photos, a community profi le and economic development section, the new site will go a long way to keeping the public informed.

“It’s also one of the many steps we are taking to establish a strong, consistent image for the community and for marketing Sioux Lookout,” said Carbone.