Invitational men's baseball tournament in Kitchenuhmaykoosib

Moved up to this weekend



Thursday September 11th to Saturday September 13th 2003

Entry Fee per team: $1000.00 / 12 players per roster

Championship prize is guaranteed

6 teams tournament prizes

Championship $8000.00 Finalist $3000.

No Consolation Game

8 teams tournament prizes

Championship $8000.00 Finalist $3000.00

Consolation $1,500.00 Runner’s up $500.00

K.I Chief & Council Sponsored $5000.00

towards this baseball tournament.

Deadline to confirm Wednesday September 10th & the best time to reach me is the evening at home or

Fax a message at 537 2568


Marcel Mckay at Home (807) 537 9949  Work (807) 537 2259

Fax (807) 537 2568

The community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib has five baseball teams and first four local teams to register will be accepted & for visiting teams between two to four teams to register will be accepted

To outside baseball teams, to confirm your team call me on

Monday at 537 9949 I'll be home all day

but for Tuesday and Wednesday call me in the evening or leave your name and phone number on my answering machine or Fax a message to 537 2568

To the community of K.I, If no visiting teams confirm by wednesday, We will still have a tournamnet but the prizes will changed and the entry fee will be lowered to $500.00

K.I Baseball Teams:

West Bay

Full Impact



The New Nasty Boys