Community-based land use planning process being undertaken by NAN First Nations

Ontario press release 

Protecting the Far North - McGuinty Government Provides New Leadership Role for First Nations

    TORONTO, June 2 /CNW/ -  Ontario is taking an important step toward the permanent protection of at least half of the Far North of Ontario, an area three times the size of Lake Superior.

    Under legislation to be introduced later today, the province is proposing to:
    -   Enable a community-based land use planning process allowing Far North First Nations and Ontario to determine areas to be protected and identify areas for economic development that benefit First Nations communities and consider ecological and cultural values.
    -   Conserve essential habitat for more than 200 sensitive species, including woodland caribou and Ontario's only populations of polar bears and snow geese, through a network of conservation lands.
    -   Fight climate change by ensuring the vast Far North boreal landscape keeps its capacity to act as a giant carbon sink - the largest of its kind in North America.

    The proposed legislation is the result of more than nine months of cooperation and dialogue among the province, First Nations, resource industries, scientists and environmental groups. The planning process to protect Ontario's boreal region, and strike the right balance between conservation and development, will continue in partnership with Ontarians. The ministry will offer further opportunities for consultation over the summer through a province wide tour, including the Far North. As well, the public is invited to comment through a posting on the Environmental Registry.


    "This legislation would contribute to a sustainable and more prosperous future for the people and communities of the Far North, and provide important and far-reaching environmental and economic benefits for our province as a
    - Donna Cansfield, Minister of Natural Resources


    -   The Far North makes up 42 per cent of the province's land mass. The proposed legislation will protect at least 225,000 square kilometres of the Far North ( in a network of conservation areas.
    -   The trees, soil and peat of the vast Far North landscape act as a globally significant carbon sink by absorbing approximately 12.5 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere each year.
    -   To date, the province has successfully negotiated 13 Memorandums of Understanding around land use planning with First Nations in the Far North.


    -   About the Far North of Ontario (
    -   About the proposed Far North Act at the Environmental Registry, Registry Number ( 010-6624.
    -   About the future direction ( for the Far North.
    -   About support( for the proposed Far North Act.





    The Ministry of Natural Resources is working with Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Far North First Nations to develop a community-based land use planning process that will establish a network of conservation lands across the Far North totalling at least 225,000 square kilometres. Land use planning will also identify where sustainable economic development in the Far North may take place.

    Progress to date includes:

    -   Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation have been working together to develop principles and processes that will guide land use planning across the region. Land use planning will recognize the unique ecological and cultural features of the Far North while allowing for areas of sustainable economic development that benefit First Nations communities.

    -   Individual First Nations communities are taking the lead while working jointly with the ministry to develop community-based land use plans for their local areas. The incorporation of traditional Aboriginal knowledge will be an important component of these plans. At present, six communities are in advanced stages of planning: Cat Lake/Slate Falls, Eabametoong/Mishkeegogamang, Moose Cree and Constance Lake. Ten others have initiated discussions with the ministry.

    -   The provincial government has committed $30 million over four years (2008 to 2012) to support consultations and engagement and other key components of the Far North Planning Initiative including science and information, sustainable land use planning and resource management in the Far North.

    -   The Ministry of Natural Resources has so far allocated $3 million in funding to Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Far North First Nations for community engagement, mapping of traditional land uses and collection of traditional Aboriginal knowledge, and to help communities build land-use planning capacity.

    -   The Far North Advisory Council, made up of representatives from resource industries and environmental groups, provided input to the Minister of Natural Resources concerning land use planning, conservation, resource management and development.

    -   The Far North Science Panel, made up of scientists from within and outside government, is providing input on a broad range of issues related to ecosystem management, resource development, carbon sequestration, areas of protection, and improving understanding of threats to the natural values of the Far North and ways to mitigate those threats.

    -   The ministry will continue to seek input from First Nations, northern municipalities, resource industries, environmental groups and the general public.

Dianne Corbett, Far North




    "The Chiefs that I represent support community-based land use planning. We will continue to work with the MNR in a partnership approach. We need to develop a process to resource this important project."

    - Frank McKay, Council Chair, Windigo First Nations Council

    "We want to continue with our community-based land use planning process. It balances traditional uses and knowledge of the land with new economic opportunities for our youth, while protecting the land."

    - Glen Whiskeyjack, Chief, New Slate Falls First Nation

    "Pikangikum First Nation led the dialogue in a community-based planning process for the Whitefeather Forest in partnership with the Government of Ontario. In 2006, we were pleased to jointly approve the "Keeping the Land" community-based land use strategy with MNR. Community-based planning is a new way for us to work together with the MNR. Pikangikum is now at a stage of achieving a new forestry opportunity and a partnership in protected area planning. Our partnership is being guided by our Elders and their knowledge."

    - Gordon Peters, Chief, Pikangikum First Nation

    "The work everyone is doing on the Far North makes it a globally significant project. We have to get this right. The Far North Science Panel is looking to First Nation communities to contribute to the science together so that in 20 years time we are proud of the economic development progress and conservation principles put into practice."

    - Dr. David Pearson, Department of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University and Chair of the Far North Science Panel

    "WWF strongly supports the Premier's Far North vision of protecting at least 50 per cent of Ontario's globally important boreal region, coupled with new economic prosperity for the people who live there-all led by community land use planning."

    - Monte Hummel, President Emeritus, WWF-Canada

    "We welcome the introduction of this new bill as an important step towards achieving a sustainable future in the northern Boreal region. Finding a balance has never been more important, and the Ontario government is demonstrating real leadership in bringing forward legislation to achieve that goal. We look forward to supporting Ontario and First Nations governments as they design and implement a planning process that will give communities the ability to determine how the imperatives of environmental protection and economic prosperity will happen in the Far North."

    - Larry Innes, Executive Director, Canadian Boreal Initiative

    "On behalf of Ontario Mining Association members, we favour an open and transparent approach in which information is shared. Adding greater certainty to the process in a timely fashion assists in business related and investment and employment decisions. We look forward to working with Minister Cansfield and her staff to help advance the Far North land use planning process.

    - Chris Hodgson, President, Ontario Mining Association

    "Today's legislation promises to protect more than 50 billion of tonnes of carbon in the Boreal, delivered through planning led by First Nations. This is the first time in Canada, and quite possibly the world, where a government is creating a law that protects carbon as one of the outcomes. It is astonishing that the very communities most affected by climate change may be sitting on the Fort Knox of carbon for the world. That's why we must invest in First Nations planning not only for their prosperity; but as if our life depended on it, because it does."

    - Janet Sumner, Executive Director, Wildlands League

    "We have worked with the MNR to address our industries' needs and concerns of the Far North Initiative. We are optimistic that the collection of geological data and other types of science data, needed for this project to be successful, will assist the explorers and developers of the Far North's mineral wealth."

    - Garry Clark, Executive Director, Ontario Prospectors Association

    "The Far North holds significant renewable energy potential and opportunities for Aboriginal community prosperity. This legislation should help enable the realization of these complementary objectives."

    - Paul Norris, President, Ontario Waterpower Association

    "Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association supports land use planning in the Far North - the process ensures intelligent development and intelligent protection. It is vital to the success that communities themselves be full participants in community-based land use planning."

    - Doug Reynolds, Executive Director, Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association

    "The wetlands and coastal habitats of Northern Ontario provide critical breeding habitat for thousands of North America's waterfowl while the area's extensive peat lands store vast amounts of carbon, and provide other critical ecosystem services. Taking steps now to support the needs of local communities and protect the ecological integrity of these globally significant landscapes demonstrates a strong commitment to future generations of wildlife and people."

    - Jamie Fortune, Director of Regional Operations, Ducks Unlimited Canada

Ivan Langrish, Minister's Office
Media Desk, Communications Services Branch, 416-314-2106

For further information: Ivan Langrish, Minister's Office, (416) 314-2212; Media Desk, Communications Services Branch, (416) 314-2106