Webequie First Nation establishing partnerships with support teams for regional mining activities

Press release ... 

Historic Air Licensing Agreement Reached for Northern First Nation:

Webequie First Nation, ON, May 21, 2009 - During a ceremonial signing presentation, Webequie First Nation has supported an air licensing agreement with Webequie Logistics. The historic agreement, that is a first of its kind for Webequie First Nation, covers several mining industrial measures including line cutting and staking, exploration equipment rental, exploration camp construction, personnel management for camps, and air transportation solutions (fixed, rotary, float) and exploration logistics.

Webequie Logistics Vice-President, Mike Peplinski says: “The agreement allows Webequie Logistics to operate in prime mining areas surrounding Webequie and in the Ring of Fire. The benefits of this agreement for all parties are numerous and include employment opportunities and capacity development for the local people of Webequie in mineral exploration and new enterprise development with Webequie Minerals Corporation, among others.”

The “Ring of Fire” is known as a geological region of the James Bay lowlands and has been considered the next major mining camp in Canada, with over a dozen exploration and mining companies currently exploring for gold, platinum, nickel, and copper. The agreement expands Webequie Logistics service from just air transportation, to providing support for the mining industry that Peplinski says “will assist Junior exploration companies in an area of high activity and promote business growth in the remote North”.

Webequie First Nation Chief, Cornelius Wabasse, says: “The agreement is a significant move for our community, providing much needed economic benefits, including employment opportunities and revenue sharing. The partnership is a direct result of our First Nation actively seeking business partners to increase employment and participate in mining activity taking place within our traditional territory.”

As part of the agreement, Webequie Logistics will now have access from Webequie First Nation Airport, a Float Base near the Ring of Fire exploration area, and will also be able to access northern airports in Geraldton, Nakina, Thunder Bay, Sioux Lookout, Timmins, Red Lake, and Pickle Lake.

Niskibi Commodities Inc. facilitated the joint venture between Webequie First Nation and Webequie Logistics. Webequie Logistics is owned and operated by Clayton Downton, President; Sam Lappage, First Vice-President and Mike Peplinski, Second Vice-President.


Quick Facts:

Webequie First Nation

Webequie First Nation is a remote community in Northwestern Ontario situated within the James Bay Treaty #9 and is the closest First Nation in proximity to the Ring of Fire/McFaulds Lake area and as a result has been greatly impacted. The First Nation is accessible by air only and is located 540 kilometers north of the City of Thunder Bay.

Webequie is an Ojibwe community with a fast-growing population; Fifty-percent of community members are between the ages of five and thirty-five.

For more information please contact:

Amanda Bay
Communications Officer
Firedog Communications
T- (807) 767-4443 ext.223
E-  amanda@firedogpr.com

Webequie Logistics
Clayton Downton, President
T- (807) 472-9555
E- claytondownton@hotmail.com

Webequie First Nation
Chief Cornelius Wabasse or Councillor Glen Wabasse
T- (807) 353-6531(Band Office) or Cell: (807) 621-1970 / (807) 629-9268
E- corneliusw@webequie.ca and glenw@webequie.ca 

Niskibi Commodities
John Gingerich, P.Geo,, President
T- (416) 570-3250
E- john.gingerich@rogers.com