Cambrian College and Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Sign Partnership Agreement</u>

Cambrian College President Sylvia Barnard and Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute Executive Director Ruth Baxter signed a Agreement for Partnership and Collaboration in Higher Education though Community-Based Delivery August 7, 2003.

Through the Agreement, Cambrian College and Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute will foster educational opportunities and encourage excellence in the development and delivery of postsecondary education and training programs. Objectives of the partnership include improving accessibility, retention, and success of Aboriginal students in postsecondary programs; ensuring quality programmming; responding to the employment and training needs within First Nation communities; and working together to contribute to the advancement of First Nations self-governance, economic development and self-sufficiency.

The agreement will also provide a vehicle for collaboration in future program development, student services, and faculty professional development.

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