Celebrating Diversity - Sioux Lookout's Race Relations Week 2009 - Join the activities

Sioux Lookout’s

Race Relations Week 2009


Celebrating Diversity

March 21-29, 2009

Saturday March 21               

Equinox Sunrise Ceremony 7am Centennial Park (in case of bad weather- Friendship Centre) Breakfast 8am Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre,

Let’s Walk Together: Gamamawibimosemin meet 11am outside the Friendship Centre, Contact Aileen 737-3131 or Charles 737-1903

Meet the Artists of I Am… Adrienne Fox-Keesic and Brent Wesley with Live Music 7pm, A-frame gallery, 88 ½ Front Street

This exhibit is a portrait series that celebrates people of Treaty 3 and 9.

Sunday March 22

Concert: Shy-Anne Hovorka and Angus Jourdain, 7pm Queen Elizabeth District High School (tickets 5$ at the door)  

Monday March 23

REsolve Workshop: Toothpaste... Wet Towels...and "People Like You!"An introductory, interactive insight into the intriguing world of conflict.
lunch provided. 12noon-1pm at SLAAMB (please RSVP- Genny 737-4047) followed by SLAAMB Open House 1-2pm  

Open House at the Youth Centre- film: Seeking Bimaadiziiwin, live music and snacks 7-9pm (film at 7:30pm, live music at 8pm), Contact Dan 737-1501

This film deals with the tough issues of depression, suicide and racism. It is intended to spark discussion about these critical issues and also serves to illustrate the diversity within modern Anishinawbe culture.

Tuesday March 24

Launch of new SLARC Website cake, speakers, door prize

12noon-1pm at the library (brown bag lunch)Kids Storytime with James Morris telling the legend of Mikisowash and Mike Lawrence reading his book The New Kid, 4-4:45pm at the library

Film: Sleeping Chlidren Awake followed by discussion, 7pm A-Frame Gallery

The Community Coalition for Healing and Reconiliation's second event, this documentary illuminates the voices of many former residential school students. These recollections and experiences are excertps from Shirley Cheechoo's autobiographical play Path with No Moccasins. Shirley shares an emotional account of her experiences in residential schools, a subsequent destructive lifestyle and her journey back into wholeness.

Wednesday March 25

Culture night -drumming, singing and more, Friendship Centre,

7-10pm, Contact Charles 737-1903

Thursday March 26

Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre Open House bannock and coffee 1-4pm, Contact Margaret 737-7373 ext29

Film: Politics of the Heart opened by Women’s Hand Drum Group,

7pm, A-Frame Gallery, Contact Iris 737-7922 ext4

A moving portrait of lesbian and gay families who re-shaped the cultural and political landscape of Quebec by fighting for recognition of their relationships, families and homoparental rights.

Friday March 27

Elders Social Gathering and Refreshments, all seniors

invited, Friendship Centre, 12noon, Contact Peggy 737-1903Multicultural Potluck Feast, and presentation of the Mary Carpenter – People Making Changes Award, Legion Hall, 5pm

Saturday March 28

Asham Stompers Square Dancers– 7pm Legion Hall, Contact Margaret 737-7373 ext29

Sunday March 29

Cedar Bay Spring Festivaloutdoor family fun, 1-4pm, Contact Monika 737-2174

Concert: House of Doc- 7:30 pm, Queen Elizabeth District High School, Call 737-2174

 Ongoing Events

I Am… Indigenous- A portrait series that celebrates people of Treaty 3 and 9 by Adrienne Fox-Keesic and Brent Wesley, A-frame gallery, all of March  

Activities and displays at schools



Katy Quinn
807-737-1501 (P)