KO participates in International Virtual Workshop on Telecentres

K-Net staff are doing an on-line presentation this evening for the PTC Monthly Virtual Conference Webinar scheduled for July 22nd at 10 pm CST. Tonight's session is entitled: "Telecentres - Their role in social and economic development". Click here to see the K-Net presentation for this event entitled "Telecentres and Community Development in the First Nations K-Net Project"

It is an open event for everyone to join. K-Net participated another one of these sessions last year and did one of these last year and it was an interesting experience (click here to check out last September’s event).

The conference Coordinator (David Wortley) reported ... "The PTC virtual conference webinar on Telecentres attracted over 20 participants from all across the globe, but for those who were unable to attend the live event, I have now posted the archived presentations in the virtual classroom. To view these archives, please logon at http://www.hcln.net/PTC2003/PTC_logon.htm  and click on the "Review" button on the top menu bar in the virtual classroom. This will also enable you to print out the 4 presentations."

Everyone is invited to check out the event by logging onto http://www.hcln.net/PTC2003/PTC_logon.htm to see more details and to set up your system for the event. Click here to see the PDF file of instructions for this on-line event.

Here is the text of the invitation sent around by the host of tonight’s show, David Wortley.

----- Original Message -----

From: "David Wortley" dwortley@massmitec.co.uk
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:35 AM
Subject: Telecentres - Their role in social and economic development - PTC Monthly Virtual Conference Webinar - July 23rd (except USA when it will be July 22nd)

I hope you will be able to join me in a few hours time as we visit Japan, Jakarta, Geneva, Rio de Janeiro, Lubenham, San Francisco, Ontario, Australia, New Zealand, India and Germany in the Pacific Telecomms Council SIG's first monthly virtual conference webinar on the subject of Telecentres.

The program and logistics for this event are shown below. Anyone with access to the internet via a Windows PC with recent browser should be able to log on and share ideas and knowledge on this important topic. If you access the group chat facility within the virtual classroom you will see we have already had visitors from across the globe.

We are encouraging ideas for future topics for these events and have already had suggestions for sessions on ICT and gender, youth, and disability as ideas for forthcoming webinars. Please let us know if you wish to make a presentation on a specific topic in the future by replying to me at dwortley@massmitec.co.uk


The topic of this one hour session will be "Telecentres and their role in social and economic development". The presenters for the webinar will cover a diversity of Telecentre situations and applications with a provisional agenda as follows :-

  • David Wortley (UK): Telecentres and the UK Community Access to Lifelong Learning Strategy
  • Kenji Saga (Japan): Key Issues for the Successful Implementation of Rural Telecenters
  • Naswil Idris (Indonesia): Community Telecentres in Indonesia
  • Brian Beaton (Canada): Telecentres and Community Development in the First Nations K-Net Project


The timing of the webinar has been organised to favour the Asia/Pacific region covered by the PTC with the relevant times across the globe shown below :-

USA West Coast (Vancouver/Seattle) - July 22nd - 20:00 - 21:00
USA East Coast (New York,/Montreal) - July 22nd - 23:00 - 24:00
United Kingdom - July 23rd - 04:00 - 05:00
Central Europe -July 23rd - 05:00 - 06:00
Moscow - July 23rd - 07:00 - 08:00
Mumbai - July 23rd - 08:30 - 09:30
Jakarta - July 23rd - 10:00 - 11:00
Tokyo - July 23rd - 12:00 - 13:00
Auckland - July 23rd - 15:00 - 16:00
Honolulu - July 22nd - 17:00 - 18:00

Anyone with an IBM PC compatible and access to the internet is welcome to participate in this free event and contribute to the discussions.

Please logon to http://www.hcln.net/PTC2003/PTC_logon.htm  to see more details and set up your system ready for the event.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and please feel free to pass on this invitation to others you think might be interested.


David Wortley
Mass Mitec Creative Collaborative Communications
Office Tel: +44(0)1858 410366
Mobile Tel: +44(0)7831 118943
EMail: dwortley@massmitec.co.uk