Ontario's Green Energy Act promising to ensure First Nation engagement and participation in projects

Union of Ontario Indians press release 

First Nation communities take a green step forward

    A focus on 'Duty to consult' opens the door to poverty reduction and economic development for First Nation communities throughout Ontario

    TORONTO, Feb. 24 /CNW/ - Serpent River First Nation citizens, Chief, council and Elders were present yesterday as George Smitherman, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, introduced the Ministry's Green Energy Act (GEA) to the Ontario legislature on behalf of the his government.

    The GEA seeks to achieve two things: First, to make energy conservation and renewable energy primary parts of energy projects across the province. Second, to position Ontario as the jurisdiction of choice for businesses invested or seeking to invest in the green economy while providing much needed stimulus for Ontario's sputtering economy.

    Serpent River citizens were there for another important aspect of the Act - aboriginal engagement.

    "The Green Energy Act is a signal that the Ontario government is serious about getting down to the business of First Nation partnerships," said Isadore Day Wiindawtegowinini, Chief of Serpent River First Nation. "This bill focuses on respecting the environment, and providing Ontario and other consumers with a secure source of energy, not one that will leave us in the dark. We must commend Premier McGuinty and Minister Smitherman for this new Green Energy Act that now gives call to strategic partnerships in the private sector, First Nation community and government."

    Chief Day, Lake Huron Treaty Commissioner also stated, "the Green Energy Act is a signal that governments and industry need to consider Aboriginal and treaty rights; how that happens will depend on the strength of the consultation and accommodation process as the energy sector evolves."

    A key provision within the Green Energy Act allows for resources to be applied specifically for engagement with First Nation communities in energy projects. In addition, it moves the responsibility for planning these projects, along with the accompanying regulations, from the municipalities to the province.

    This provides a provincial standard for energy planning, removing the hodgepodge, one-municipality-to-another approach to dealing with First Nations as done in the past that seemed to create bottlenecks in the planning process. By helping First Nation communities to build, own and operate their own renewable energy projects, the GEA is actually building a stronger, greener economy with lasting, well-paying jobs for members of these communities

    "The Ontario Government and the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure must be congratulated for this fundamentally important step in setting the stage for First Nation communities to participating in Ontario's energy sector. By requiring First Nation partnerships, inclusion in policy making and making decisions about energy development I believe the GEA will positively impact the lives of our citizens," added Chief Day as he addressed a packed room of stakeholders in the Minister's luncheon that took place minutes before the bill's introduction.

For further information: Media Contact: Marci Becking, Communications Officer, (705) 497-9127 ext. 2290, becmar@anishinabek.ca