E-Health Workshop hosted by Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority in Sioux Lookout

Sioux Lookout Zone E-Heatlh Workshop

February 18-19, 2009
Sunset Suites, Sioux Lookout

The Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) invited Health Directors from across the Sioux Lookout Health Zone to come together to share and learn about e-health services and applications. The goal of the workshop was to provide direction to SLFNHA in the development of a framework to address regional e-health initiatives and support systems.

Guests from Health Canada's First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, the Local Health Integration Network 14 (LHIN 14), and health program team members worked with the First Nation Health Directors to identify issues, challenges and opportunities for developing an e-health service that addresses local and regional needs.

Ontario’s three year eHealth Strategy was released on February 5, 2009 by eHealth Ontario.

Click here for a copy of the working draft of this strategy created by eHealth Ontario’s leadership and Board of Directors with input from the healthcare sector.

From February 5-19, e-Health Ontario invited people to provide feedback to the Strategy, which will be used to finalize the plan that will:

  • Guide investments and operations during the Strategy time frame of 2009-2012
  • Enable/fulfill the government’s strategic healthcare priorities
  • Provide a framework for measuring and reporting progress and results

E-Health Ontario invited people to provide feedback by answering the following questions:

The deadline for submissions was THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2009.

Full Name (optional):
Email (optional):
Is the Strategy to achieve Ontario’s eHealth Clinical Priorities on the right track? If not why?
What are the top three challenges that you foresee in implementing the Strategy?

Do you believe that the timelines to deliver on the Strategy are achievable? If not why?

In what ways do you see yourself contributing to the success of this Strategy?
Do you have any other specific input?
You can also submit your answers by email to info@ehealthontario.on.ca