NDHR selects Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee for Community Grant 2009

From National Day of Healing and Reconciliation (NDHR) 

Community Grant Winner: Sioux Lookout

Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee, Ontario, has been chose as our winner for the $2500 Community Grant because of their strong plan for Healing and Reconciliation. They have a year round model that they have developed that addresses the issues stemming from different traumas, including Race Relations, Colonization, Residential School Effects, Integrational Impacts, the Government Apology and so many many more. Their proposed events involve on-reserve and off-reserve member’s, members (and even the Chief!) from neighboring reserve Lac Seul First Nation.

They have a set up a Community Coalition, made up of concerned community members, residential school survivors, local church representatives and member’s of the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee. And as a “Community Movement” they have asked the question:

How do we move forward from the legacy of residential schools?

One of the many answers is “People getting a better understanding of our collective past, present and future”, as they have said.

The other purpose of their coalition is to develop a model for on-going dialogue in the community that will complement and encourage the work of the TRC during and beyond its five year mandate.

Please feel free to contact The Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee for any questions you have for them  at http://www.slarc.ca/