KO Smart Team Partners with GTONS to produce Broadband Video

The team from Gold Trail Open Network Society in British Columbia is coming to visit Sioux Lookout, Poplar Hill, North Spirit Lake and Balmertown this week. They plan to videotape a series of interviews and community scenes that show the impact that the Internet is having on daily life in rural communities, both in Ontario and British Columbia.

They are producing a video documenting the process involved in establishing high speed connectivity in rural communities. By showing the work done by K-Net and Gold Trail Open Network Society, they hope that this video will assist others to establish broadband connectivity in their own regions.

The team includes Quinn Savage, the videographer, John Savage, the Gold Trail Open Network facilitator and Sandy McElroy who is overseeing the development of online craft level training modules for the development of local connectivity. Les Meekis and Dan Pellerin will be the tour guides. 

 NOTE: In March 2003, Sandy first visited K-Net (see the news story) to discuss training and partnership opportunities. He shared some a powerpoint presentation about the GTONS that is available on-line (Click Here).