Play created by Sioux Lookout youth about racial tensions will be performed again on Jan 30

SLARC press release

Bounce- Back by Popular Demand!

Sioux Lookout (January 26, 2009) – the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee announces an encore performance of Bounce, a play created by Sioux Lookout youth about racial tensions.

The community performance will be at Queen Elizabeth District High School on Friday January 30th, 2009 at 7pm.  There is no charge but donations towards youth theatre are encouraged.

Bounce was created in 2008 by a group of youth as part of the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee’s Youth Against Hate Crimes project.  The project was coordinated by Erin Horvath and she was instrumental in channeling the group’s ideas into a story-line and then a script.  Last month’s premiere performance met with rave reviews and there were even invitations for repeat performances across the region. 

“Great Presentation!  This is something that the youth who were involved should be very proud of.  I thought issues were addressed in an honest but inoffensive way and the humour that was injected created light spots that resulted in the play being not too emotionally heavy.  There was a maturity in the performances of all the actors, especially the youth” said Mayor Kathy Poling after seeing the premiere.

The play tells the story of a school being torn apart by racism and homophobia. The drama plays out on a basketball court and is escalated by a love story across cultural boundaries. It deals with controversial issues and is not intended for young children. 

For more information, please contact:

Erin Horvath, Play Director (807) 737-0019
Katy Quinn, Projects and Partnerships Coordinator (807) 737-1501

Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee
Box 1194, Sioux Lookout, ON, P8T 1B
1-807-737-1501 (P)