Government of Canada improves winter roads between remote Ontario First Nations

Click here for webstream of Greg Rickford, MP for Kenora Riding, making the following announcement 

INAC News Release


SIOUX LOOKOUT, ONTARIO (January 23, 2009) * Thirty remote First Nation communities in northern Ontario will benefit from improved winter road networks, thanks to the Government of Canada.

Greg Rickford, Member of Parliament for Kenora, on behalf of the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non Status Indians, today announced $3.7 million to improve the road network.

*Our Government recognizes the importance of developing and maintaining winter roads for residents in remote communities across northern Ontario,* said MP Rickford, on behalf of Minister Strahl.
*We want to improve the quality of life for these First Nations by ensuring that residents in remote communities have a reliable winter road network.*

The winter road network, which spans 3,000 kilometers, is a vital transportation link to isolated communities. Annual federal government investments in winter roads are helping to provide an economical way to transport essential goods and services, helping to minimize the overall cost of living in the communities they connect, and reinforcing life lines of social interaction and mobility throughout the region. Since 2006-2007, INAC has invested approximately $5 million to improve winter roads. These investments have assisted remote First Nation communities in maintaining, expanding and realigning winter roads, providing a safer and more reliable network.

*This investment is integral to the well-being of remote First Nations, who rely on the winter road network for commercial and personal activities,* said Harvey Yesno, President-CEO for the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund. *Seasonal access to these First Nations via winter roads is critical to reducing the cost of living and the cost of doingbusiness.*

For 2008-2009, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is providing an increase in the annual operations and maintenance budget to approximately $1.8 million from $875,000. Today*s announcement of $3.7 million also includes a one-time contribution of more than $1.9 million.

The Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund will administer the 2008-2009 funding for construction, operation and maintenance of the winter roads.

The Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund is a non-profit, independent, Aboriginal-owned and operated financial institution providing business and financial services to Aboriginal people living in remote, rural and urban communities across northern Ontario. The main office is located in Thunder Bay, Ontario and a branch office is also operated out of Timmins, Ontario.


This news release is also available on the Internet at:

Digital imagery (map and parts of the winter road system) are also available on request. 

For further information, please contact:

Media Relations
(819) 953-1160

Nina Chiarelli
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Chuck Strahl
(819) 997-0002

INAC Regional Office (Thunder Bay)
Tony Prudori