Pelican Falls First Nations High School Students Attempt Guinness World Record

Media Release

Pelican Falls First Nations High School located 5 kilometers outside of Sioux Lookout Ontario is attempting to set a Guinness World Record in mattress stacking during its Winter Carnival January 29, to Feb 1, 2009.  

Carnival organizer and house counsellor, Bill Robinson, who looks after students that are housed in the 12 homes located at Pelican Falls says “We will be using the students’ beds for the world record attempt; we have about 160 twin mattresses to stack and also to move back and forth between the houses and school gymnasium, it should be an interesting day for the students”.  

Keewatin-Aski LTD, Consulting Engineers of Sioux Lookout will be on hand to take the required measurement on behalf of the Guinness World Record.

For more information on the Guinness World attempt in mattress stacking scheduled  for Feb 1, 2009, please call Mr. Bill Robinson at Pelican Falls First Nations High School:  Direct line: 807 737 2563, Cell: 807 738 0117 or or Anna Mckay, Communications Officer-Northern Nishnawbe Education Council (807) 737 1371 ext. 44