Alternative Federal Budget recommending providing funds for First Nations education

AFN press release ... 

AFN National Chief Endorses Alternative Federal Budget

     OTTAWA, Jan. 6 /CNW Telbec/ - The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Phil Fontaine, endorsed the Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) presented today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

     "We all agree that investing in First Nations is the pathway for economic and social prosperity for both First Nations and Canada. Investing in First Nations benefits all Canadians and builds a stronger Canada," the National Chief said. "The Alternative Federal Budget released today is consistent with the AFN's own proposal for a First Nations economic stimulus plan."

     The AFB calls for investments in the upcoming budget to include Aboriginal and First Nations "hard infrastructure" (such as housing and drinking water) and "soft infrastructure" (such as education and economic development). This approach is congruent with the AFN's own First Nations fiscal stimulus plan. The AFN plan calls for immediate investments in First Nations infrastructure and education, and immediate support for partnerships between First Nations and industry through a repayable loan fund. The plan also calls for reforms to the current system that will improve accountability and ensure effective and efficient use of resources.

     "Investing in First Nations infrastructure will create jobs right now for all Canadians, while addressing the terrible conditions we find in too many of our communities," the National Chief said. "Investing in education ensures a strong Canada now and in the future. And supporting partnerships between First Nations and industry improves the economy for all Canadians. Our proposal is a win-win for all Canadians."

     The National Chief is discussing the First Nations economic stimulus package with the Prime Minister and provincial and territorial leaders in advance of the upcoming First Ministers Meeting on the Economy later this month.

     "The AFN's proposal focuses on immediate action that will stimulate the economy. We know where the needs are so we can immediately start on work projects. Canada needs action and the AFN has the plan," the National Chief said. "We want to thank the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives for their thorough work, commitment to social and economic justice and their support for our approach."

     The Assembly of First Nations is the national political organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


/For further information: Don Kelly, A/Communications Director, Assembly of First Nations, (613) 241-6789, ext. 334, cell (613) 292-2787,; Gina Cosentino, Government Relations, National Chief's Office, Assembly of First Nations, (613) 241-6789, ext 356,


Alternative Budget Stimulus Package Injects 2% of GDP into Economy and Creates 407,000 Jobs

OTTAWA, Jan. 6 - Today the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) released the Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) fiscal stimulus plan, a one-year package that would create 407,000 jobs, boost the economy by 3%, and help protect Canadians from the worst of a recession.

Consistent with recommendations by the IMF and OECD, the plan injects $32.9 billion (or 2.1% of GDP) into Canada's economy to protect Canadians who experience loss of income, as well as strengthen and build hard and soft infrastructure to address the challenges of climate change, income inequality, and aging populations.

"We've laid out a bold and achievable set of initiatives that can protect Canada from the economic storm while building for future generations," says CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan. "Our plan creates jobs and gives the economy a jolt of life just when it needs it - now."

The AFB Plan's impact on job creation and GDP has been validated by Informetica Limited's macro-economic model.

Key investments outlined in the plan include:

- $12.4 billion to protect the most vulnerable Canadians with investments in fixing EI so more out of work Canadians receive benefits, poverty reduction, and income supports for seniors, children, and the working poor;
- $14.7 billion to strengthen and build infrastructure with investments in municipal infrastructure, affordable housing, child care, and post-secondary education; it also honours the First Nations Kelowna Accord;
- $5.8 billion to prepare for the future by investing in green infrastructure, training and education, and energy retrofits.

"This stimulus package is good for Canadians and it's smart economics," says AFB Coordinator David MacDonald. "Simply put, government spending initiatives outlined in this Plan provide far more job creating stimulus than across-the-board tax cuts. People who have jobs spend; people who lose them do not."

The CCPA will release the full Alternative Federal Budget document later this month.

Leadership for Tough Times: The Alternative Federal Budget Stimulus Plan is available on the CCPA website:

For further information: Kerri-Anne Finn, CCPA Senior Communications Officer, (613) 563-1341 x306