Health & Industry Canada Officials visit K-Net for Partnership Discussions

Four federal government officials traveled to Sioux Lookout to:

  • meet with the K-Net team,
  • learn about the Kuh-ke-nah Network,
  • discuss strategies for utilizing the network for delivery of services and programs, and
  • identify mutually beneficial partnership opportunities for supporting community based broadband networks.

The four officials included:

  • Robert Vigneault, Implementation Services Manager - HC’s e-Health Solutions Unit
  • Roy Hart, Regional Director Information Technology, HC
  • Richard Lekkari, Regional Director, HC’s e-Health Solutions Unit
  • Carl Seibel, Telecommunications Officer, IC’s FedNor.

Pictures and an overview of the visit and meetings are available on-line.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak’s Telehealth initiative and the regional application to the Primary Health Care Transition Fund is resulting the opportunity to begin working with community and regional initiatives to both demonstrate and support broadband connectivity in rural and remote communities. The Kuh-ke-nah Network with its partner communities and organizations is able to support the growth of e-health opportunities across the region and the country.