Ontario Climate Change Action Plan report indicates efforts to meet targets on track

Ontario Press Release 

Reporting On Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan: McGuinty Government Tables First Annual Report; Shows Province On Track To Meet Targets

December 10, 2008

Ontario is on track to meet its aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets and adapt to climate change impacts.

The province’s first-ever report on its climate change action plan focuses on the starting points of the plan and documents the government’s actions over the past year.

Tabled in the legislature today, and verified by an outside accounting firm, the report notes:

  • Ontario has reduced its CO2 emissions from coal-fired electricity by 20 per cent
  • Over 2,600 MW of new, renewable power supply has been contracted
  • More than 78,000 home audits and 20,000 retrofits were completed
  • Over 225,000 square kilometres of the Far North Boreal Region – a globally significant carbon sink – are being protected.

The report also shows how the province is creating green energy options, building greener communities and reducing the government’s carbon footprint.

The government will report annually on its progress and activities so that all Ontarians can see that its plan is working and that we remain on track to meet our emission reduction targets.


“Ontario has chosen to be a leader in the fight against climate change,” said Environment Minister John Gerretsen. “We are proud of our progress but we still have a long way to go. We all have a role to play to meet our 2014 emission reduction targets.”


  • Ontario’s emissions are down six per cent from 2004.
  • In February 2008, Ontario established the Climate Change Secretariat to coordinate its efforts across government and ensure programs and policies produce real results.
  • The OPS Green Office will help the government further reduce its carbon footprint by looking at internal government operations through a green lens.




John Karapita, Minister’s Office, 416-314-6736
Kate Jordan, Ministry of the Environment, 416-314-6666

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