Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs gathering in Ottawa this week

AFN press release 

Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly to be held in Ottawa, on December 9-11

     OTTAWA, Dec. 4 /CNW Telbec/ - The Assembly of First Nations, the national political organization representing First Nations in Canada, will convene a Special Chiefs Assembly at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, ON from December 9-11.

     The National Chief will hold a press conference following his Opening Remarks on December 9th to speak about the current economic and political situation in Canada and its implications for First Nations. The press conference will take place approximately 10:30 a.m., December 9 in the New Brunswick Room of the Westin Hotel (4th floor).

     The theme of this national gathering is "Our Children, Our Future".
Discussions on this theme include: First Nations control of First Nations education, a presentation by Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond (Representative for Children and Youth, Province of British Columbia) on promoting and protecting the rights of children, and an update on the AFN's Human Rights Complaint against the federal government regarding child welfare.

     The Assembly will feature a roundtable on the current economic crisis and its implications for First Nations with participation by Don Drummond (Chief Economist of the TD Bank) and Jim Stanford (Economist, Canadian Auto Workers), and the creation of an economic stimulus package for First Nations. The National Chief will also comment on the current political situation in Ottawa in his opening remarks.

     The agenda for the Special Chiefs Assembly is subject to change, but most recent versions are available on the AFN website at

     Media can register onsite. There is no fee for media to observe the Assembly but media accreditation will be required for registration.


/For further information: Karyn Pugliese, A/Communications Director, Assembly of First Nations, Cell: (613) 292-1877; Gina Cosentino, Government Relations, National Chief's Office, Assembly of First Nations,