Aboriginal Apprentice Coach Program searching for First Nation coaches for Ontario teams


DATE: November 18, 2008

TO: Aboriginal Team Ontario Leaders
       Ministry “Activator” Regional Advisors

FROM: Susan Kitchen, Executive Director, Coaches Association of Ontario
             Anita Comella, A/Director, Sport and Recreation Branch

RE: Aboriginal Apprentice Coach Program

The Coaches Association of Ontario and the Ministry of Health Promotion are pleased to announce the opportunity to participate in a pilot Aboriginal Apprentice Coaching program. This professional development opportunity will prepare coaches for roles at the 2009 Canada Summer Games in Prince Edward Island and the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We are looking for two coaches for 2009 and two for 2011, with equal representation of males and females, who will be mentored by a sport-specific Canada Games coach.

The objectives of the Apprentice Coaching Program are:

• Provide Aboriginal apprentice coaches with domestic multi-sport games exposure;
• Provide Aboriginal apprentice coaches with a mentor coach throughout the Games’ preparation period;
• Provide Aboriginal apprentice coaches with professional development opportunities to ensure an increase in their level of certification to a minimum Competition/Development “Certified” level under the new National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP);
• Provide Aboriginal apprentice coaches with training in the Aboriginal Coaching Manual;
• Expose Aboriginal apprentice coaches to high performance coaches;
• Ensure Aboriginal apprentice coaches are prepared to handle a meaningful role during the Canada Games experience; and
• Build coaching capacity within Aboriginal communities.

Please distribute this memo and application form to those who you feel would qualify for this opportunity. Basic coaching requirements for inclusion in this program are:

• Certified not higher than NCCP Level 2 or NCCP Competition – Introduction Trained or NCCP Competition – Development In Training; but
• Has completed some form of NCCP training;
• Has never attended a Canada Games as a “coach”;
• Has never attended the Olympics, Pan American Games, or Commonwealth Games as a “coach”;
• Has coaching experience;
• Has demonstrated potential through the development and improvement of their athletes; and
• Canadian citizen or landed immigrant status.

Minimum requirements have been set at Level 1 NCCP or NCCP Competition-Introduction In Training and provincial level or NAIG coaching experience.

Please be aware that participation in this program requires a considerable time commitment attending certification workshops, team training events, and participation at the Summer or Winter Canada Games, usually 10 days in duration. The 2009 Canada Games in Prince Edward Island run from August 15th to 29th. Costs for these events and participation at the Games will be covered by partners involved in the project and therefore the apprentice coach will not incur any cost by participating in this professional development opportunity.

All interested applicants are to complete the attached application and send by January 12 2008 to:

Susan Kitchen
Executive Director
Coaching Association of Ontario
Suite 107, 3 Concorde Gate
North York, Ontario
M3C 3N7
Email: susan@coachesontario.ca
Phone: 416-426-7088; 1-888-NCCP-ONT

You need to request the application form and a list of the Canada Summer and Winter Games sports. Please read all material thoroughly before applying.

Thank you for your assistance in distributing this information to potential candidates for inclusion in this exciting Aboriginal coaching opportunity.

Susan Kitchen
Coaches Association of Ontario

Anita Comella
Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion